By Gina Katsaitis


From Ozone Park, New York comes a martial artist that really does deserve the title of Humanitarian.

'He does special safety

awareness self defense

seminars for the elderly"


Grandmaster richard sinclair sr.

He is a world renowned 10th degree Black Belt recipient of over 40 Martial Arts Hall of Fame, 3 Man of Distinction Awards, 3 Warriors Humanitarian Awards and Order of the Gold Shield Award.

Grandmaster Professor Richard Sinclair Sr. is a certified instructor with over 40 years experience and degrees in various systems of Martial Arts such as Ninjitsu, Jujitsu, Judo, Aiki-jujitsu, Aikido, Karate-do, Tae-Kwon-Do and Weaponry. He is the creator and founder of the Iron Octopus Tactical Survival Defense System, established in 1973. Being called a diplomat of the Martial Art world has enabled Grandmaster Sinclair to go beyond the boundaries, accomplishing so much; turning all his childhood dreams into reality.

"He's a National Weapons Expert Teaching Archery to Youth Organizations accross the U.S."

He holds an esteemed position on advisory boards of various prestigious martial art, community, business and charity organizations nationally and internationally.

Grandmaster Sinclair is admired for so many of his great abilities. A few of which are his creativity, vast knowledge, leadership, humanitarianism, diplomacy, business acumen and superb martial-arts skills.

Grandmaster Sinclair Sr., has made such an impact on the martial arts world, always being on the cutting edge. Using his strong leadership qualities, unique creative vision enveloped by his determination and hard work has resulted in him creating numerous martial-arts sysems which are being taught to thousands of students worldwide.

"Teaches special close-quarter Combat (Elevator, Stairwell, Car or Against the Wall) Seminars"

His Humanitarian Programs include: in 1980 "Walk With Confidence" -a powerful bi-monthly seminar and lectures to empower today's woman with the confidence and ability to defend themselves in order to survive in today's violent society.

In 1981- "Each One Feeds One" - Sandwich distribution for the homeless.

Also in 1981 - "Youth Safety and Development Association" - An organization that helps young adults turn their lives around by providing positive role models, true values and the inspiration to be the best they can be.

For 10 years Grandmaster Sinclair was employed as a Security Manager in expert security surveillance, crisis management, security escort and bodyguard to stars such as Elton John and Elizabeth Taylor, diplomats, government officials, to name a few of his top clients.  Sinclair has been recognized by the New York City Police Department, Fire Department, Education Youth Scholarship Organization, Boy Scouts of America, Human Resources Administration and the list goes on . . .

"Teaches Kids Safety in Public & Private Schools."

To commemorate each anniversary of his system a prestigious banquet is held during which Sinclair honors individuals who dare to stand strong through all the adversities, emerging triumphant as leaders, shining examples for others to emulate. 

Again, a true Humanitarian.